I wanted to cover some common questions about a new online business opportunity called Passport to Wealth and how you can use it to generate a serious passive income for yourself.
What is Passport to Wealth?
Passport to Wealth is an online marketing system that is designed to find people for you that are currently interested in joining an online business opportunity. The key to the Passport to Wealth Marketing System is that you can join it, set it and let it do the work for you.
How much can I make with Passport to Wealth?
You receive 100% commissions of $997 for each Passport to Wealth sale that is made for you. I’ve been making 2-5 sales a day and the money is paid directly into my account. We made over $27,000 in 3 weeks and while we were away on a vacation, another $9,000 came in.
What is the product being sold with Passport to Wealth?
You get Instant access to over $75,000 worth of amazing software, wealth-creation resources and an e-Learning library. All accessible directly from your own computer. It’s the most comprehensive package ever offered in one place. Just download, use and benefit.
There is never any obligation to join Passport to Wealth. From my discussion with PTW, 47% of site visitors that have taken the tour will sign-up as a Passport to Wealth member. That’s a very impressive conversion ratio.
The comprehensive marketing information in Passport to Wealth is what attracted me to join. This automated system is very unique in this impersonal internet age.
“”The system sorts, sells and closes your prospects for you.” – Tim, Colorado
What is the best strategy to use with Passport to Wealth?
When I was first looking into Passport to Wealth I interviewed 9 different sponsors. I was looking for someone that was highly successful and would share exactly what they were doing with me. I chose an internet marketing expert from Texas and he showed me how to make sales right away.
To speed-up my results I use a system where all I do is copy and paste ads to proven online advertising companies that are all laid out for me. This is a fully automated system that involves no contact from yourself.
For every 100 visits to my site I make a least one or two sales. So for a low $190 investment I earn between
$3000 and $8000.
I’m finding that people want to join Passport to Wealth with me because I am offering something different. Most PTW members are promoting their standard web page and getting 1 or 2 sales a month. I try to add something extra, like this highly lucrative marketing system.
When you join Passport to Wealth with me I can set you up with the same system I use. At the end of the day PTW is an “easy to understand” business. So you don’t have to learn much once you get started. It really depends on your goals and how much time you have. Most of my group spend about 20 minutes a day and let the system work its magic.
“I went out of town for 3 days. Today I checked my balance and found that I received $4,985! I never spoke to any of them.” – Gina, Canada.
What do I get by joining Passport to Wealth with your team?
When you join Passport to Wealth with me you will receive the step by step approach that I used to make $24,000 in 13 days. I will also be available via email if you need any help or support.
I have been making over $30,000 a month with Passport since I first joined using the exact techniques that I will share with you when you join. How much does Passport to Wealth cost to join?
The cost to get started with Passport to Wealth is $997 which provides the quickest profit timeline. The payment plan that PTW offers is very interesting. It’s called a two-up payment plan.
The way it works is this, the first two people that join you in PTW are considered your qualifying sales and are given to your sponsor. From then on each sale will generate $997 for you. But this is where the fun starts…
Because of the two-up pay plan, the first two sales that one of your members makes goes to you!
So if you have 3 members and each of them makes 2 sales, then you will get 6 sales without lifting a finger! That’s 6 x $1000 to you = $6,000.
If you have 10 members and each of them makes 2 sales (their qualifying sales), then you will get 20 sales without doing a thing. That’s 20 x $1000 = $20,000!
So as you can see, once your PTW marketing business kicks off, it grows from within. And that’s what I’ll help you do when you join Passport to Wealth with me: Kick start your PTW business quickly!
“This really is as simple as it looks and sounds! I got the complete P2W program, web fee, marketing system, small advertising budget and I’m actually in profit within 7 days without having to talk to anyone?
I was shown the exact wording and where to place my ads so they worked. Thanks.” – Steve, Colorado.
How do I get started?
When you take the PTW tour you can see exactly how the system will work for you and look over the products at the same time.
I recommend you sign-in as this is unique to this system from my experience. It’s really the main ingredient that drew me to join Passport to Wealth from the beginning.
When you enter your name and email into the form you will instantly have access to the main site. You will also have a chance to check out the same marketing system that is making 2-5 sales a day for me right now. This is the system that I’ll be giving you when you get started.
So I highly recommend that you sign-in and lookover the marketing system as this will give you an idea of what’s being offered here.
As always I’m available if you need to contact me. Call me if you need anything. (1-212-990-6886)