Principles For Overcoming Fitness Obstacles

If you’re like me, the quest to be in shape and manage weight feels overwhelming. And, as if the quest to be fit isn’t hard enough, there’s often other obstacles to overcome: health issues, time management, mustering up courage or energy. Even if you’ve been exercising for a long time, there’s always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put all of this into perspective?

According to Tom Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association that’s exactly it: Perspective. And also, according to him, there’s no mountain too high to climb. Tom would know. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth he’s now 35 and trains about three times a week. In fact, he tells me, he just couldn’t get along without exercise.

So in my quest for the last word on overcoming barriers in fitness, Tom sat down with me and together we came up with 3 basic principles that will help break-down fears and intimidations when striving to reach fitness goals. (After all, if he can exercise on a regular basis, shouldn’t that be encouragement enough for anyone to give it a  shot?)

Principle #1 Move Into The Fear.

“Train you mind to believe no mountain is too high or any goal is too difficult to attain,” Tom tells me. Basically, it’s all about meeting your fears and facing them head-on. In this principle, aim to recognize your fears, acknowledge them and then move through them. Ask yourself what is it that makes you uncomfortable? Have you let yourself get out of shape and are afraid you’ll never get back? Do you have an injury that’s caused you to be afraid of your body? If you can visualize creatively, then you can put your fears in check. See your self as you’d like to be. Remember: your body loves you and has the potential to heal itself to perfection. Your only job is to trust it and listen.

Q: What is your body saying to you?

Principle #2 Trust Your Intuition.

It is important when overcoming obstacles and learning to break through barriers that you begin to listen to the still small voice of your body. In most cases, we all want the comfort of having someone telling us what we can and cannot do. However, our highest truth lies within us. This is not to say that the good opinion of others is not important, but ultimately the decision making comes from within.

When facing a challenge or an obstacle look to how you feel. What are your instincts telling you? Often it is simply your instinct that will move you into a new mindset and raise your consciousness. “I wasn’t about to let the wheelchair stand in my way,” Tom tells me. In fact, he says he had to merely change his perspective about it. He says he first had to learn about what his restrictions were then, create a boundary for himself. “We all have boundaries,” he tells me. “Regardless if a person can walk or not, obstacles are as unique as people themselves. Therefore, it’s first best to know your boundaries.”

Next, Tom tells me he aims to meet those boundaries.  “I first reach as high as I can within the confines of what I am able to do. Whether it be more sets, reps or greater endurance, I allow myself as much time as necessary to accomplish my small goals. It always surprises me, with small steps, how quickly I can reach a Big goal.”

Principle #3 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

What then, about fear? I wanted to know. If we move into the fear and meet it eye to eye what if fear meets us there? “So,” I asked Tom: “are you ever afraid? “After 19 operations in my life, I’ve really come to terms with fear,” he says. “It really comes down to our most primal fear; fear of death. Once you realize that death is all part of the divine plan, it’s liberating, you can let it go and, instead, choose how to live. So instead of being afraid of death I decided to choose how to live.”

So what’s the take away message? Talking to Tom, I’m reminded of the poem by Dylan Thomas who said: “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” It seems appropriate here. The bottom line: Staying afraid often keeps us from truly living. Tom reminds me that a positive attitude is key, “Life is all about attitude.” He also says he could let fear beat him down, yet he doesn’t. “I wouldn’t want to miss being part of tomorrow,” he concludes. That said, what fears are getting in your way? Make today the right time to face them.

In conclusion: Life Beyond The Boundaries.

When you’ve faced your fears and pushed your boundaries to the edges, what then? I wanted to know. Tom smiles. “Find a new mountain to climb,” he says matter-of-factly. “It’s what makes life fun. I know I have considerations. I know that there will be days that I’ll need to stay in bed and rest while my braces are getting tuned up. It’s those times when I am with my thoughts that I decide what I am going to set my sights on.”

Author’s Note: In my personal quest to live beyond the boundaries I’ve chosen Tom as my role model (lucky for me, he’s my brother). We so often look to the media for these sources and so often they are illusory. There are “real” people everywhere doing great things…look around you; angels are everywhere! Learn from them. Choose someone you look up to, admire or of whom you appreciate their values. Set goals, climb mountains! Set intention in motion and enjoy the healthy process.

Little Known Tips To Buying Fitness Equipment

Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your home isn’t really that difficult?
It’s true that the world of fitness equipment can seem like a maze at times and that there are literally hundreds of different types of fitness equipment pieces that might work well for your home arrangement. However, with a little guidance, the process really isn’t that hard and you will be amazed at the bargains that you can find if you just dig a little deeper than the average consumer is usually prepared to. Let’s take a look at some tips to help you out in your quest for new fitness equipment.

1. Look at used equipment. This is where some good deals can be found. Fitness equipment can obtain a weird status in a person’s home. They might have been really excited to buy it initially and dreams of a fit body and monthly gym savings might have filled their head. However, after 3 months, the equipment often sits vacant in that person’s home. Used equipment can be a really good deal due to the fact that it’s often times almost as good as new but now it’s for sale. To you. For cheap. Check out newspapers, Ebay, and other places; compare prices and get a deal.

2. Consider commercial fitness equipment. Often times, you can buy the same equipment that your local gym has. Imagine, you can have that same (gasp!) Stairmaster that has dogged you for years at the local Ballys, right in your basement. This might be appealing to some who have the capital to invest in a large piece of equipment. If you no longer have to pay a $50 monthly fee to go to a gym every month, this might be a really smart investment. Look into commercial equipment, you might be pleasantly surprised.

3. The first two points are almost worthless without considering the financing of your new fitness equipment. When looking to finance your new set of fitness equipment there are tons of important factors to keep in mind. You really don’t want to be paying too much for equipment that might be found at a cheaper price (after everything is considered) elsewhere.

Elements to a Golf Specific Fitness Program

Many of the top touring professionals know that winning on the tour today takes much more than a great game of golf. It means understanding every aspect of their physical and mental being and what factors influence their performance. Gain a competitive edge in your next round by integrating these three key elements into your current fitness program.

Specific to golf – Get rid of the traditional gym machines which focus on isolating specific muscle groups and require no stabilization work by additional muscle groups. Integrate some old and new fitness tools which allow you to move your body in a more functional setting. These include cable machines, fitness balls, medicine balls, balance disks, traditional dumbbells and don’t forget about the power of using your own bodyweight.

Increase Core Stability – More efficient movement creates more efficient power. Golfers maintain an athletic posture over long periods of time and require both trunk and core stabilization and endurance. By increasing your strength and endurance in the core region of your body, you provide both a solid base of support for rotation in addition to the proper transfer of power throughout the body.

Vary your Planes of Motion during Exercise – A golf fitness program will have varying planes of motion as part of your weekly strength routine. Planes of movement include front to back motions, left to right and rotational exercises. Some good examples include multi-directional lunges and medicine ball wood chops.

Benefits Of White Tea

It is not just chefs but also medical researchers who are praising the benefits of white tea for your health. In fact there are many different kinds of benefit of white tea that a person can have and we will look at some people. But first we will provide you with a brief explanation as to what white tea is. It is made from the immature tea leaves that will be picked before the buds have fully opened on the plant. The name comes from the silver fuzz which still covers the buds and this in turn then turns the tea white as it dries. There are many different varieties of white tea available and this all depends on the amount of leaves to buds that are used in each mixture. The White Peony for example has one bud for every 2 leaves in its mixture whilst Silver Needles (the crème de la crème) is made entirely from the down buds and these are normally picked within a 2 day period during early Spring.

So we have now looked at what White Tea is we will now go on to the different benefits a person can gain from using this particular product.

1. Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Effects

Studies carried out at Pace University have indicated that White Tea extract may have prophylactic applications which can help to retard the growth of bacteria which can cause Staphylococcus infections, Steptococcus infections, Pneumonia and Dental Caries. It was also found that White Tea is more effective than Green Tea at inactivating bacterial viruses as well as having an anti-viral effect on human pathogenic viruses.

2. Anti-Fungal Effect

There have been studies carried out which indicate that this has an anti-fungal effect on Penicillium Chrysogenum and Saccharomyces Cerervisiae. It was found that in the presence of White Tea extract these were totally inactivated.

3. Skin Cancer and Cell Damage Protection

Scientists have now found that the White Tea extract can protect against the Langerhans cell obliteration. It was found that not only the extract protected skin after exposure to sunlight but also a person’s immune system was restored also. They also found that the DNA damage which occurs to cells after exposure to sunlight was limited. It is believed that the anti-oxidant properties in the White Tea extract are the reason for it being so effective. It is also suggested that the extract may provide a person with anti-aging benefits.

So as you can see from above there are many reasons as to what the benefit of white tea can have for a person in order to help them live a much healthier and happier life.

Health Benefits of Bowling

Among the many sports that man has ever played, perhaps, bowling is the most popular among all. With over 50 million players in the United States alone, bowling is definitely one sport that is a cut above the rest.

Among the many reasons this particular sport has remained at top of is the fact that it is a highly flexible sport. It promotes easy adjustment methods that are why many children and adults alike can take part in this remarkable game.

About 95% of bowlers consider bowling as a sport that can be exploited as a recreation, a form of relaxation, a societal factor, and a competitive nature as far as sportsmanship is concerned.

The simplicity of the game contributes to its adaptability. Because its rules are easier to understand, more and more people are engaging in this sport, not because of competition but basically because they want to enjoy the time with their friends or family.

With all these advantages, many people are still not aware of the health benefits that bowling can provide. They just thought that the activity could promote physical vigor and it stopped there. What they do not know is that the health benefits of bowling is more than just building stamina and releasing energy.

So for those who are not yet aware of these benefits, here is a list that you should know:

1. Promotes good muscle exercises

Merely walking along the lane, while attempting to make a strike or a spare, is enough to exercise the muscles in your legs. It resembles that of the “walking exercise” that most health buffs do; the only difference is that there is more weight involved. This is because in bowling, your hands are holding the bowling ball.

Consequently, as you swing around to hit the pins, the flexing and stretching provides adequate exercise for your tendons, joints, ligaments, and muscles in the arms.

2. Fat burning

As your muscles flex, turn, and twist in every swinging motion that you make while playing bowling, these moves can actually promote the burning of some accumulated body fat.

3. Builds friendships

One of the health benefits that can be derived in bowling is based on the kind of relationship that is being built with your friends or family. As some psychologists contend, building social relationships can actually promote better performance of the heart muscles. Emotional stress can shorten the lifespan of an average person.

Indeed, there can be no better or enjoyable way to live a healthy life than bowling can.

Steps To A Happier and Healthier Day

Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for an extended period of time requires some simple lifestyle adjustments. As long as you keep your adjustments within a sustainable reach, you should be able to lose weight and keep it off without much shock and interruption to your daily life.

Not surprisingly, losing weight does not have to require extended trips to the gym or engagement in some fad diet. Here are there steps to a healthier day that can help you slim down on weight without slimming down on your free time.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise can make a difference in your body shape and in the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you work your heart, mind and body. You are building your muscle mass, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Additionally, you encourage your heart to pump blood throughout your body more effectively, which means that you will have healthier blood and a reduced risk of heart disease. You reduce fatty deposits, which in turn helps reduce your risk of many health problems, such as diabetes. You also increase the number of endorphins that flow through your body, which means that you will note an increase in your positive attitude.

It does not require a large amount of time exercising to receive all of the above benefit. You simply need to workout regularly for a minimum of half an hour. Working out means taking a two-mile walk at a fast pace, throwing a Frisbee or riding a bicycle. Whatever the workout is, keep in mind that it should elevate your heart above it standing heart rate and it should make you breathe slightly heavier than normal. It is also good if you can break a sweat or feel your muscles challenged.

Eat All Things in Moderation

When you are trying to lose weight or sustain lost weight, it is vital that you allow yourself to eat all foods, but eat the unhealthy ones in moderation. The primary reason for many diets to fail is that people reduce the foods that they allow themselves to eat so drastically that they feel anxious after awhile eating the same things time and time again. When you allow yourself to give into simple cravings, you are rewarding your body and making it less tempted to crave larger portions of the bad foods.

You should also eat small portions of every food, regardless of its nutritional content. Eating smaller portions will help your stomach adjust to consuming less food. You can also drink water to help you feel full. American’s especially have a habit of eating more than one portion of food per meal – so be aware of your food portions!

Call a Buddy

Studies prove that having a Buddy help you work out increases your chances of maintaining a diet, exercise routine, or long-term weight loss. Buddies are fabulous motivators. They will keep you attuned to your habits and help you feel accountable throughout the day. If you must, enlist the help of a partner to be an appointed weight loss guardian. He or she will be tasked with ensuring that you stick to your weight loss goals by encouraging you to report your progress several times a week.

Tools to Optimize Your Health and Well Being

Do you want to lose weight and feel better about yourself? The first step towards weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is to develop a plan of action. Start by evaluating your goals. Do you want to fit into your old jeans or keep up with your younger friends in a pickup basketball game? Maybe you just want to feel better about yourself.

After setting goals, you should begin to consider how to make your goals come to life. For most people, a change in lifestyle, through diet and/or exercise, is needed to reach long term weight loss goals. A Chi Machine can make a great addition to your new, healthy lifestyle. Chi Machines, like the Chi Vitalizer CY-106, provides passive exercise through an elliptical motion that can help to increase circulation and lymphatic system drainage. This can help to eliminate toxins from the body and increase metabolism, helping to make your dietary and active exercise programs that much more effective.

Using a Chi Machine after a long, hard day can help you to relax and keep you from overeating as a response to the stresses in your life. Making a Chi Machine a regular part of your weight loss plan can create structure that allows you to stick to the other parts of your diet as well. Consider using your Chi Machine for 5-15 minutes a day, either before or after your other exercises or before eating a healthy snack. A lack of exercise and increasing weight can become part of a never-ending spiral. Using a Chi Machine can help you to increase your anabolic metabolism and decrease catabolic metabolism. Catabolic metabolism is a negative force that can inhibit weight loss and contribute to the negative spiral of weight gain and poor health. Read more about Anabolic and Catabolic Metabolisms at Creating a routine and sticking to it is the most important aspect of weight loss success and a Chi Machine can help you achieve your goals and begin a new, healthy lifestyle.

The Way to Health and Vitality

It’s time to start a Healthy life:
your 7 days program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you’ll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don’t feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn’t mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness — and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and
exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy.

In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical work with less effort.

The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn’t have to be intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent.

I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides a
one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here’s a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm Up — seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm-up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training — Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets.

* Aerobic Exercise — Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes of the
second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes.

* Stretching — Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks — Feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months — Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely. You are gaining muscle and losing fat.

* After six months — Start losing weight quite rapidly.

Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don’t stop there. You should also change your diet and/or eating habits,’ says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is
impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day

* Make sure every meal is balanced — incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and

* Limit your fat intake to only what’s necessary for adequate flavour

* Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day

* I also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

I suppose that’s all I can think of for now. I should extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.

Enjoy life, we all deserve it.

You’ll find many more useful information and articles at Health & Vitality – to Enjance Your Life.

Clean Your Plate

According to obesity researchers, the United States obesity rate has more than doubled for preschoolers and adolescents-and more than tripled for ages 6 to 11-over the past 30 years. Obese children are at greater risk for health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and often carry these problems into adulthood.

So, how do parents help children, and the entire family, eat healthier, both at home and away-from-home?

“Talk to your pediatrician, family doctor or registered dietitian to determine the healthiest weight goals for the entire family,” said nutrition expert Jenifer Bland-Campbell, “then make a plan to tackle the issue.”

She offers these tips to help parents help their families eat more healthfully:

• Eat at least one meal together daily, at regular intervals to discourage snacking.

• Prepare healthy dishes for the whole family, not just special foods for an overweight child.

• Don’t use food as a reward, comfort or punishment.

• Watch portions. “Clean your plate” is not always the way to go.

• Eat slowly. It takes almost 20 minutes for the brain to register that the body is full.

• Encourage water or skim or 1% milk instead of high-calorie, sugary drinks.

• Getting kids to eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day will not be easy, but focus on the colors to make it more fun. Visit for more tips.

• Use low-fat or fat-free dressings, mayonnaise and dairy items at home as if they are the full-fat versions. Kids will take your cues. Ask for the same items on the side when eating away-from-home.

• Take the stairs. When you go shopping, park the car farther away from the store and walk.

• Limit television, video games or computer time.

• Replace mayonnaise and cheese on burgers or sandwiches with catsup, mustard or barbecue sauce.

• Stick with items that are baked, broiled, steamed or poached-not fried.

• Ask for nutritional information when eating out.

• Look beyond the children’s menu, often limited to fried, high-calorie, high-fat foods. Split one healthier adult entrée between two children.

• Ask for a takeout container and put some of the food in before you eat.

• Ask that bread, beverages and tortilla chips be served with the meal, not beforehand.

“Parents can help children reach wellness goals by first making healthy changes at home, then teaching kids what to do away from home,” said Bland-Campbell. “Healthy eating does not happen overnight, but children take cues from their parents and will learn behaviors over time.”

Bland-Campbell is a registered dietitian with ARAMARK, a company that manages food service programs at businesses, colleges, hospitals, and approximately 4,000 schools across the country.

You can find research on the away-from-home nutritional preferences of Americans at ARAMARK’S Web site, There, parents can find their own dining style and receive tips from dietitians on more ways to eat better.

Living a Healthy Life

In the fast paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. It’s really no wonder that so many of us are tired and run down. What are some simple things that we can do to improve our quality of life?

Drink Drink Drink…

You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll probably hear it a million more – drink more water!

Think about it: The human body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids creates a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids causes death! At this point in time 66% of us aren’t drinking enough water, so over half the population isn’t running on all six cylinders to begin with – before things like bad air, bad food and stress take their toll.

It’s not really a difficult thing to remedy. Just drink one glass of water every half hour or so – or 10-12 glasses of water per day – and you’ll notice a huge jump in your energy levels.

Living Food – Loving Life!

A little known fact is that heating food above 116°F destroys much of the nutrient content. Considering that we already aren’t eating enough veggies, that’s a fairly substantial problem. Nutritionists recommend five serves of fresh vegetables per day. How many of us are actually taking that advice?

A great way to get the nutrients found in fresh veggies without spending all day at stove or eating raw celery sticks is to juice your veggies. Make sure that you own a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat created by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), grab some fresh vegetables and drink your way to good health. It takes a fraction of the time (there’s no cooking involved, for one thing) and it’s convenient. You can take your juice to work and even give some to the littlies for school lunches!

Wheatgrass in particular is an excellent source of nutrition. It’s high in chlorophyll (sometimes described as ‘plant blood’ because it closely resembles human red blood cell molecules) and has over 100 elements that the body needs. Fresh grains are another excellent source for vitamins and minerals.

Energy In – Energy Out

Exercise is another dirty word for most of us. The thing is, exercise doesn’t have to be horribly time consuming or mind-numbingly boring. There are plenty of options.

Years ago gyms usually offered weight rooms, aerobics classes and maybe a tydro-circuit. Now you can add water aerobics, yoga, pilates, dance-ercise, step classes and a whole range of new workout options.

If you don’t really have the time or money for the gym, or prefer to spend your mornings/nights at home, then try an exercise bike or walker. I’d be lost without my exercise bike – I set it up in front of the television and peddle away merrily during my favourite shows.

If, like me, you suffer from illness or injury or your level of fitness is quite low, you might like to consider some invaluable advice that I got from my doctor:

Once you’re physically unfit, and particularly if you’re also unwell, it can be a mammoth battle to just do the most minimal amount of exercise in a day. The danger is that inactivity leads to further loss of energy, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely get off the couch.

An excellent way to get back into a physical routine is to start slowly. Ridiculously slowly, it may seem. For the first couple of weeks, walk/ride for 5 minutes per day – exactly 5 minutes, no more, even if you think you could continue. When the 2 weeks are up, increase to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, 12 minutes… continue to gradually increase your activity until you’re at a level that you’re comfortable with.

It may sound a little silly, but it works. In effect, you trick your body into producing more energy. You’re building your exercise time up so slowly that your body doesn’t really realise what’s happening. Follow this method and, before you know it, you’ll be comfortably exercising within your limits every day.

So, folks, that’s the basics. If you can rearrange your life a little to allow for better eating habits and a little exercise, and if you remember to just drink a glass of water every half hour or so, you’ll be well on the way to living a healthy life. On a final note, don’t forget to take some quiet time for yourself. Meditating is an excellent way to minimise stress. You don’t have to sit around for hours, just give yourself 5 minutes of quiet time every day – even in the shower, if that’s the only place where you can get time out – and have a little catch up with yourself.

And, last but by no means least, laugh! In fact, laugh like a loon – the louder the better! You’ll be amazed at how much such a simple thing can lift your spirits!

Your Way To Health Inside And Out With A Treadmills

Treadmills offers a great alternative to walking outside as well as much more versatile than outdoor walking especially in choosing your terrain and walking attributes. Treadmills are a great ment because they are easy to setup, and use. There is no special training when using a treadmill that might be necessary when using weight training equipment or other fitness machines. The price of treadmills is going to vary quite a bit. For a low end model of a treadmill the cost is going to range from 300 to 2000, for the high end people can easily drop over 5000 dollars for a deluxe model. The price varies usually due to the computer system that is present with in the treadmill. Many treadmills of the feature of recording stats including heart rate, time, calories, fat, and distance. Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the horsepower of the treadmill. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmills may brag about their peak horsepower which could be extremely high this means at ideals conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. There for it is most important to know what the motor of the treadmill can be regularly and consistently. Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter then the alternatives.

Treadmills should be strong and stable. When you are testing out a potential treadmills for purchase make sure you are dresses as if you are actually going to exercise and wearing your running shoes. Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them. Other things to check is if the running path and belt are large enough for you to run on. Another great feature of treadmills is that they are programmable and can be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable. Also a bottle holder and magazine rack are handy conveniences when doing a daily workout.

Take into consideration the amount of space you have to devote to your treadmill this will determine which type of treadmill is bets for you. Remember to measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the treadmill first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.

Get A Full Body Workout

One of the most complete cardiovascular exercises around has to be rowing. A proper workout on a rowing machine will tone all of the major muscle groups
such as your legs, back and arms.

The beauty of using a concept 2 rowing machine is first of all it doesn’t involve water.
This rower doesn’t get you wet and there are no early morning trips to get your machine
out of the boat shed. No cold changing rooms and gale force winds for your training session. And there is definately no need to find the nearest river to row your machine on. All you have to do is set it up in an adequately spacious area and away you go.

There are lots of different machines available on the market. Although they generally fall into 2 categories:

-Water rowers

-Air rowers

The water rower, which contrary to their namesake, does not end up in you getting wet after a vigorous workout. The machines are very beautifully designed and use enclosed water and paddles for resistance as opposed to air. These rowers tend to be quieter than air rowers and are just as much works of art as they are exercise machines.

Then we have the concept 2 air rower. There are many other brands available but this piece of machinery is commonly accepted to be one of the best, if not the best. They
are engineering masterpieces and are all calibrated to the same standard. So, if you do a certain time on a concept 2 rower, you can rest assured that, that time will be
replicated exactly on another concept 2 machine. This is the reason why the world indoor rowing championships use the concept 2.

The information that the display monitors show on the concept 2 is extensive, with the new monitors even being able to be plugged into a PC, so you can race
with other rowers from all around the world.

Wrestling Workout Equipment

If you are training for professional or amateur wrestling it is very important to have the right equipment that helps you to gain wrestling strength.

The following can be helpful for getting started:

Brief Workouts

The workouts should never exceed 35 minutes in duration, as If they do, you aren’t working hard enough to complete your workout. The ability to recuperate from the workouts, and therefore develop more strength, is increased when you complete your workout within the stipulated time. Long and strenuous workouts will eventually cut into your body’s ability to recuperate, and lead to over-training.

Using Machines and Free Weights

There is a common misconception amongst athletes and coaches that you must use free weights when strength training. Free weights are great! So are machines! Your muscles don’t know the difference. The intensity is the most important thing when trying to improve your strength for wrestling. The tool that you use to get there is not. I like certain exercises for certain muscles. It also depends on injuries that a wrestler might already have. You can work around and injury and still give the body a thorough strength workout. If you have access to Hammer Strength machines, I highly recommend that you include them in your wrestling strength workout.

Using thick bar

The thick bar is usually a hollow metal tube that you put free weights on the end of. A thick bar forces you to hold on tightly when performing exercises. It develops fantastic forearm and hand strength. It should be part of every serious strength-training program for wrestlers. You can do curls, reverse curls, rows, and presses with it.

The Trap Bar

The trap bar another piece of equipment that helps to gain wrestling strength. The trap bar is a hexagonally shaped bar that allows you to perform dead lifts with maximal stimulation of almost every muscle vital to improved wrestling performance. An exercise that will make your entire body stronger.

Working the Treadmill

The lifestyle of an average person of today is dramatically different from that of the past years. The convenience of having an automobile has decreased the time spent in walking to the destination. Televisions and personal computers have replaced outdoor activities. Fast foods have become a significant part of the daily diet. It comes as no surprise that such a
lifestyle can bring about a sedentary life among many, which is the leading cause of obesity. The awareness of the obesity phenomenon has lead many people to reconsider their lifestyles and take action supporting a healthier body through balanced and healthier diets and religious exercise.

With a variety of exercises available, one would often stop to think which among these options is not only the one that offers the best workout but also the most effective calorie-burner.

Believe it or not, opting for a treadmill workout can burn as much as 700 calories per hour. This not usually the case for other exercises like the bicycle and rowing machine, which give the impression of intensive workouts that equal significant calorie-burning.

Studies have been made by the Journal of the American Medical Association that supports this claim. They have compared the calories burned between the treadmill workout and the bicycle workout – approximately 200 calories per hour is the cited significant difference.

Treadmill workout is an innovation on the most superb form of the all-around exercise – Walking. Not to mention, the treadmill equipment must be one of the most popular home exercise. People who are affected by health conditions such as osteoporosis and hypertension choose this form of exercise because it aims to develop the lower body to strengthen muscles and build stamina.

The treadmill workout can be considered the best way to get the most out of routine walks. For one, since this can be an indoor activity, there is no need to worry if there is going to be any bad weather. The padded surfaces of the machine will not cause any strain on the joints compared to pavement because it absorbs more impact on both the legs and the feet. The overall pace of the workout can be easily adjusted by toggling the controls on the front bar.

Working out on the treadmill can be a problem for some people that there is a tendency to hold on to the arm rest for balance throughout the exercise. This will significantly reduce the effect of a good treadmill workout and thus, fewer calories are burnt. For one’s safety, it is sensible to grab the front bar and get on the treadmill if it is stationary or if it is slowly
moving to avoid accidents. After getting the hang of the pace, try to let go of the arm rest to obtain the full effect of a treadmill workout. In using the treadmill, it is always advisable to start at a slow rate. Pacing is essential because this will determine the rate or speed that matches one’s abilities in order to sustain the workout. Also remember to look straight
and be aware of posture to maintain good form.

Some people prefer to work on an incline while others don’t. If one is not comfortable with the incline, it is recommended to go for speed-walking intervals which are alternated with slower walking.

Work Out With An Elliptical Cross Trainer

This article will cover the top 6 reasons you should work out with an Elliptical Cross Trainer. The Elliptical Cross Trainer has become one of the most popular methods of exercise for the reasons you are about to discover right here in this article. This exercise machine has easily risen above that of the treadmill and other exercise equipment because of its overall workout scheme. So sit back, relax, and read on. You will learn the many different reasons that you too should be working out with an Elliptical Cross trainer.

Reason number one – An elliptical cross trainer provides the user with a workout using weight-bearing exercises. A weight-bearing workout works to improve a wide variety of aspects of your body. For example, by using an elliptical cross trainer you can increase your bone density, improve conditioning, burn calories, and strengthen your muscles. All by using one exercise machine.

Reason number two – With an Elliptical Cross Trainer you will receive a low impact workout. This is extremely important to anyone who chooses to exercise to maintain his or her health. A low impact workout means you are putting less stress upon your bones and joints while you are exercising. The trainer has pedals that you use during cross training and your feet will never have to leave those pedals. This decreases the amount of impact placed on your body.

Reason number three – Improve your overall fitness by using an extensive cardiovascular workout. This is one of the key factors that tempt many people to exercise with an Elliptical Cross Trainer. A cardiovascular workout is essential to promoting good circulation and overall heart health.

Reason number four – With your Elliptical Cross Trainer you will receive a total body workout. From head to toe and everywhere in between, the Elliptical Cross Trainer allows you to work every muscle. Some other exercise machines only work on specific areas of the body, meaning you would need a few different machines for a full body workout. The elliptical cross trainer does that for you with one machine for a total body workout.

Reason number five – Lose weight with an elliptical cross trainer. Because the cross trainer gives your entire body a workout, with exercise and a proper diet you could find yourself losing weight while toning your body at the same time.

Reason number six – Maximum results in less time. This is another key factor that lures people to the Elliptical Cross Trainer. Because you get a total body workout, those with a busy life and little time left to spare find that exercising on the elliptical cross trainer provides you with maximum results in less time. This allows you to get the benefits of exercising and still have enough time in the day for other activities.

As you can see, there are many benefits to working out with an Elliptical Cross Trainer. If you find the proper machine, do the right exercises and follow a healthy diet regimen, you will have no problem benefiting from all that an Elliptical Cross Trainer can offer.

Why rowing machines are used in gyms

Some of the oddest machines in the gym are the rowing machines and, although they are somewhat rare, it is not uncommon to see a skiing machine, too. Many people wonder why these sports have been singled out as being such great exercise – why is there no tennis machine, or swimming machine, for example? The answer is that both rowing and skiing exercise your body in a way that other sports don’t.

If you’ve ever met a rower, you’ll know that they have huge amounts of upper-body strength, and there’s a reason for that. Rowing is, in many ways, the ultimate upper-body exercise, comprehensively exercising your arm and chest muscles.

The situation is much the same with skiing and your legs. Because of all the leaning and balancing that is needed to ski successfully, almost all of your leg muscles get a workout from skiing.

While rowing and skiing machines are no match for the real thing, either in terms of how much fun they are or how effective they are as exercise, they serve a useful purpose, because we can’t all go rowing and skiing every day. If you use both the rowing and skiing machines in one day, you will get an all-over body workout to more than rival the one you might get on the various weight machines, and the chances are that it will be quicker for you too.

However, with rowing machines especially, you need to be careful about overdoing it. Because rowing tends to feel easier on your muscles than it actually is, it’s tempting to set too-ambitious targets and tire yourself out completely, perhaps even pulling a muscle. For the sake of your health, take it steady, keeping track of how many repetitions you do on the machine on each visit, and gradually increasing, instead of going all-out one day and doing hundreds more than normal.

Why Home Exercise Equipment is Better Than a Gym Membershi

Everyone buys gym memberships with the best of intentions. You plan to go several times a week. You plan to take advantage of classes or sessions with personal trainers. You have every intention of formulating a plan, and sticking to it. The problem is: the gym is too easy to avoid. And the reasons for avoiding it are just too good.

It’s not just laziness. Commute times are getting longer and longer: the last thing you want to do before or after work is spend some more time driving to a gym and fighting for a parking space. That’s assuming you even have the option: if you have kids to pick up or drop off, or chores to do at home, you may simply not have the time you feel you need to get a good workout at the gym.

This is where the benefits of home exercise equipment really show. You can snatch a few minutes here and there on the treadmill while dinner’s cooking. You can watch your kids while you work out. You can watch your own DVD’s in the comfort of air conditioning set to your preference while you use a stationary bike, elliptical or treadmill. You can listen to music you like, set up some aromatherapy that you find inspiring, or do some reading while you exercise. And when you’re done, you can take a shower in the comfort of your own bathroom, with all your favorite shampoos, soaps and towels right there waiting for you.
Most importantly, how many times can you look at a piece of exercise equipment before you run out of excuses? If you’re thinking, “You have no idea how many”, you might be surprised. Every time you see it, you’re reminded of the benefits it offers you, and you start thinking of ways to work it into your schedule almost without trying.

Why Elliptical Trainers are Growing in Popularity

If you work out at a health club you probably noticed that in the last few years there are fewer treadmills, because they are being replaced by elliptical trainers. And although treadmills still outsell ellipticals in total numbers, elliptical sales are growing at a faster rate.

What is driving the popularity of elliptical trainers? There are two factors that make elliptical trainers so appealing:

  • Low Impact Workout
  • Upper and Lower Body Workout
  • Benefits of a Low Impact Workout

    Most types of exercise require some type of impact and/or reverse action. For example, when you walk each step is impacting force on your ankles, knees and lower back. That impact is minor in comparison to running, which can be as much as 2.5x your body weight. Over the years that constant pounding can result in long-term injuries and strains.

    Elliptical trainers reduce the hazards of impact through an elliptical motion.It feels like you are naturally walking or running without any real impact or reverse action, and yet it is a weight bearing exercise that contributes to building muscle and bone density.

    If you look at the side of an elliptical trainer you’ll notice the shape of the motion is like a flat circular pattern. Budget ellipticals tend to be more circular and bouncy, while quality machines have a flatter circular motion and more of an even stride. Regardless, the elliptical motion significantly reduces the impact to your joints, and that is why elliptical trainers are appealing to older individuals and people with injuries. It is becoming the exercise machine of choice for the “baby boomers.”

    Benefits of an Upper and Lower Body Workout

    The concept of exercising the upper and lower body simultaneously is revolutionary. An elliptical workout utilizes the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and biceps. There is no other machine that offers this benefit. You are not only exercising more muscle group, you are also optimizing your energy expenditure. That means it is taking less time to achieve more results, like burning calories and increasing your cardio capacity. A number of elliptical trainers allow you to reverse the motion, thereby emphasizing resistance to even more parts of your muscles.

    By exercising more of your muscle mass you improve fat mobilization, which results in burning more calories and building muscle endurance more efficiently. Certain experts have suggested that this dual action process reduces the perceived rate of exertion. In other words, you are exercising harder without a noticeable difference from a less strenuous workout.

    The benefit of an upper and lower body workout, combined with low impact exercising, are the reasons why elliptical trainers are so popular. And there is one other feature that should be noted. In comparison to treadmills, elliptical trainers require considerably less maintenance. That is due to the fact there are fewer moving parts, and less wear from impact.

    If you haven’t tried an elliptical trainer, get to your local health club or a fitness equipment store and take one for an elliptical spin. Avoid the budget models and test the machines that are at least $1,000+. They have a more natural elliptical motion and are more stable and durable.

    You’ll find that an elliptical trainer can have a major impact on your health and fitness.

    Why aren’t you using a treadmill

    Treadmills have become extremely popular over the years. They are specifically designed to enhance the most popular form of exercising – running and walking. Treadmills are built on the idea that the more effort you put in, the more you get out. As other fitness equipment fads come and go, treadmills gain popularity and get results.

    The two most popular forms of exercising are running and walking. Whether you are a casual walker or a serious runner, a treadmill can accommodate your exercise needs. Set the speed and incline to suite your desired cardiovascular goals. You can do a power walk up an incline or a heart pumping run at high speed.

    The treadmill is unsurpassed for a cardiovascular workout. It works the large muscles in your body. According to a recent study calories burned on the treadmill for 60 minutes averaged 865 – 705. Contrast that with; The stair machine (746-637), rowing machine (739-606), stationary cycle with levers (709-509), cross-country ski machine (678-595) and the stationary cycle (604-498). As you can see from the figures the treadmill is unmatched for burning calories.

    Ecercise treadmills wil give a good workout whatever the weather. In warm or wet regions, you don’t need to be concerned about heat exhaustion in hot and humid weather.

    Injuries that plague runners and walkers due to the constant pounding of joints on asphalt and concrete are eliminated or drastically reduced by users of treadmills. Injuries are less common and stress is reduced on those critical joints. Achilles tendons, knee joints, back muscles, ankles, thighs take less of a beating, which guarantee that you’ll continue to walk or run into your old age.

    As treadmills become more sophisticated so does the versatility of the workout. Speed and incline have always been a feature on motorized treadmills, but now your workout is enhanced by a variety of preprogrammed computerized exercises. Simulate running up and down hills, focus on cardio exercise, concentrate on burning calories, or work on speed training. Often treadmills have preset programs with various levels of intensity. In addition you can program your own workout, combining speed with incline.

    A good treadmill is a balance of power, stability and fun. Your ability to find the right machine will depend upon why you want one and how much you can pay. Buy the best machine you can afford paying attention to the following features:

    Frame: High alloy steel is usually more durable than aluminum, however they are heavier and must be coated to protect the treadmill from rust. Get on the treadmill, if it feels wobbly and flimsy, then it is. Selected a welded frame over a bolted one and avoid all plastic frames.

    Hand Rails: The location of the hand rails is a matter of preference. Whether you desire a handlebar in front or two side rails, be sure they are sturdy and don’t get in the way of your arm swings.

    AC or DC Motor: Most home units are DC, but commercial treadmills may have either AC or DC. AC motors tend to be noisier and generally require a dedicated power line.

    Horsepower: Check for the continuous-duty rating for the motor’s true horsepower. Anything less than 1.5 continuous-duty horsepower can quickly be worn out.

    Speed: Most treadmills run from 0 to 10 mph. A good machine will match the pace you feel comfortable walking or running. A safe starting speed of 0.5 mph or less is also very important for safety reasons.

    Belt: Be sure the length of the walking/running surface is long enough for your longest stride. The width of the belt should be no less than 16″ from a wear and tear standpoint as well as comfortable striding. Be sure you can comfortably reach the treadmill controls without stepping on the motor housing as well.

    Deck: This is one of the critical quality elements of the treadmill. Quality decks shouldn’t need much maintenance and they operate at a low temperature.

    Impact Resilience: This is the treadmill’s ability to absorb the force from the impact of your feet. The lower the impact on your body, the better.

    Incline Adjustment: There’s a variety of ways to adjust the incline of a treadmill, from the automatic incline which changes depending upon your heart rate, to pushing a bottom on the console, to the less sophisticated methods of a manual hand crank or manually setting pins. Quality electronic incline adjustment shouldn’t be noisy or cause the machine to shake at any grade.

    Control Panel: Generally computerized panels are standard thesedays. They range from basic and simple to the complex and fully programmable. It all depends on what features you require. Various control panel options can push up the price so purchase only what you will regularly use.

    Heart Rate Monitors: This is generally an optional feature. Accuracy varies widely with the ear and finger clips being less accurate than the chest strap monitors.

    Price: As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. You’re going to $1,000 and up in a good quality motorized machine. Spending this kind of ought to motivate you to do your homework and purchase wisely.

    It is important to get yourself on a regular routine. The more time you spend on it, the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. Find a fitness program that works for you. Depending on your preference, you could combine your workout with music, television or videos.

    If you would like to learn more about exercise treadmills, visit where you can obtain more detailed information.

    Whole Body Vibration

    Whole Body Vibration exercise is becoming a popular method of training, and for good reason, not only can vibration training work your muscles in a way that conventional training cannot, but also using a vibration machine has numerous proven therapeutic benefits too.

    As more and more companies appear on the market each week, most giving conflicting information, it becomes difficult for consumers to know who to believe. In this article I hope to share some basic information backed by evidence as a guide for consumers when purchasing a Whole Body Vibration machine.

    The first thing you need to understand before buying a vibration machine, is that there are basically just two types of vibration machines available, pivotal and vertical. A pivotal vibration plate vibrates from a centre axis in a see-saw like action. A vertical vibration plate vibrates straight up and down in a jack hammer like action. Both machines have proven benefits, and there is very little, if any, evidence to suggest one method is better than the other. As a consumer you will find marketers will tell you one method is better than the other, if you find this, ask for evidence and don’t take just their word for it. Personally I prefer pivotal vibration, with vertical vibration I feel there is too much unwanted vibration in the head, however I know others that prefer vertical vibration. I always suggest trying both methods first and see what you prefer. Pivotal platforms are sometimes referred to as oscillating platforms, as vertical platforms are sometimes referred to as lineal platforms.

    Both platform types can have two variables that can be adjusted to produce different vibratory effects. The two variables of a vibration platform are,

    1. Amplitude (vertical displacement)

    2. Frequency (platform speed)

    By adjusting either of these two variables we also change things such as, the number of times per second our muscles contract, the amount G force exerted on our body, the degree of difficulty in stabilising, the flow of blood through our body etc. Research and common sense tell us that different frequencies will have different effects on our body. Depending on what effects you are hoping to benefit from, will determine what frequency you should run your machine.

    Next it is important to understand the recommended, researched, and safe variables when using each type of vibration platform.

    For pivotal vibration the frequency range should be between 1 and 30Hz, the amplitude range should be no greater than 6.5mm (13mm maximum displacement).

    For vertical vibration the frequency range should be between 25 and 50Hz, the amplitude range should be no greater than 3mm (6mm maximum displacement).

    If you find a platform that has listed specifications outside of this range, chances are the specifications are incorrect, or the machine could likely produce harmful effects.

    Today the biggest threat to consumers appears to be coming from the pivotal machine market. For this reason, and for the fact that I prefer a pivotal unit, I will now discuss pivotal machines only.

    When purchasing a pivotal vibration machine, you should always ensure the platform has a full range of frequency, many machines being sold on the market today only reach frequencies below 20Hz. Such machines often make claims based on research that was performed on frequencies beyond the limits of their machine. Below is just a small sample of extracts from studies on a pivotal unit, indicating the frequency that was used.

    The frequency of the vibrations used in this study was set at 26Hz
    Adaptive responses of human skeletal muscle to vibration exposure.

    In a parallel experiment (Bosco et al. in press) it has been noted that during vibration at 30 Hz the EMG signal of the biceps brachii muscle reached its greatest activity, thus this frequency was chosen in the present study
    Influence of vibration on mechanical power and electromyogram activity in human arm flexor muscles.

    The treatment group underwent whole body vibrations at a frequency of 26 Hz
    New trends in science: The use of vibrations for enhancing performance

    Objective: To test whether training on a high-frequency (28Hz) vibrating platform improves muscle power and bone characteristics in postmenopausal women.

    Conclusion: Reflex muscular contractions induced by vibration training improve muscle power in postmenopausal women.
    High-Frequency Vibration Training Increases Muscle Power in Postmenopausal Women

    The whole vibration stimulus from the sole of the left and right feet was 3 minutes one time (shake frequency 25Hz) X 3 sets with a set interval was 10 minutes
    Effect of Whole Body Vibration Stimulus and Voluntary Contraction on Motoneuron Pool

    Vibration frequency was gradually increased during the first minute from 0 to 26 Hz and maintained at that frequency for the remaining five minutes.
    Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Lower Body Flexibility and Strength

    Vibration was with an amplitude a=1.05, a frequency of 26Hz, and hence a peak acceleration of 147 ms, or 15g.
    Acute Physiological Effects of exhaustive WBV exercise in man

    As you can see, a large number of studies suggest using a vibration platform at higher frequencies is beneficial for increasing muscle and strength. Therefore it is this one of the benefits you are looking for, it is important your machine can produce these higher frequencies. Not only that but, as you can see below research also suggests that the higher range of frequencies have far more benefits than the lower frequency range.

    5-10Hz Optimum frequency range for,
    Balance and Stability

    11-16Hz Optimum frequency range for,
    Relaxation of muscles
    Injury rehabilitation
    Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
    Mobilisation of joints
    Healing scar tissue

    17-22Hz Optimum frequency range for,
    Muscle strength
    Improved Co-ordination
    Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage

    23-30Hz Optimum frequency range for,
    Muscle strength
    Hormonal changes
    Neurological stimulation
    Increased mobility
    Increased bone density (low amplitude)
    Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
    Decreased lower back pain
    Improved muscle tone

    Ensuring a pivotal machine has a full range of frequency is just one of many factors you should check before buying a vibration machine. Other factors include ensuring the machine can give you a frequency reading, ensuring the machine gives an accurate reading of frequency. For more information and information on other factors please read more on our website.

    Who Else Wants To Shed Pounds

    Is your weight getting you down? Are you sick of carrying that extra baggage wrapped around your waist? Too embarassed to go to the gym?

    These questions are the bane of a lot of peoples’ lives, because they either don’t exercise! or they don’t do it regularly!

    Do you want to lose weight and look good with fitness equipment?

    Looking for the right home fitness equipment can be daunting, with all the options available to us. But it’s not all gloom and doom, you can have that body or fitness you have always wanted, it’s just a matter of doing a litttle research, which I hope this short article can provide you and guide in the right direction on which fitness equipment is best for you.
    Quite often, the biggest challenge is what fitness equipment to go for. When purchasing a piece of fitness equipment, your choice should be based on the fitness level, physical make up and general interests of the user. Before making the plung and spending all your hard earned money, you should ask yourself a few pertinent questions:

    How much do You want to spend?
    What is your current fitness level and what do you hope to gain?
    Do you have enough space for the fitness equipment?
    How much time will I spend on this fitness equipment?
    Is this equipment suitable and safe for me to use?

    Are you tired of having the local gym extort large sums of money from you? Why not set up a home gym and save yourself hundreds!?

    The prices for yearly memberships just seem to be rising higher and quicker than the inflation level every year! a simple solution would be to buy your own equipment and build a gym in the comfort of your home, that way you can save hundreds on that membership and have a long term investment for the future. Whether you want biceps like Arnie, a six pack like Bruce Lee or legs like Jane Fonda there is a piece of equipment available for every exercise you can think of, for everyones budget.

    With such a wide choice available, knowing what to purchase can be a little daunting. So after you have asked yourselves the questions I posed earlier, you almost there in finding the perfect accessory you need to get fit.

    Abdominal fitness equipment – Are you embarrassed by the ever expanding tyre wrapped around your waist? Do you want to have a six pack? with hundreds of choices on the market, finding the right one can seem a tedious task. You dont have to spend alot to get a washboard stomach. A fitness quest flexaball or a foam roller. But we warned, you may have to purchase a few belts to keep your trousers from falling down after you lose that unsightly belly.

    Recumbent cycles – Do you feel the strain on your lower back and knees when cycling? Then why not check out the recumbent cycles we have on offer and add another piece of fitness equipment to your home gym. Recumbent cycles give more support to the lower back and minimize the stress on the knees compared with an upright bicycle. Recumbents provide a cardiovascular workout that uses the muscles of the gluteus, quadriceps and hamstrings.

    Treadmills – Fancy going for a run?, but its pouring cats and dogs outside. Not to worry, one of our Treadmills lets you walk, run, up a hill or up a montain regardless of the time of day or weather without leaving your home. Treadmills are a popular piece of aerobic fitness equipment for home use. When purchasing a treadmill, be sure to look for the following features, smooth action, solid build, a steady pace, wide belt, safety shut off, and incline settings. Quality models range from $1500 and up. Th treadmill you consider should be built to take a substantial load because running on one spot will create alot of downward force.

    Elliptical fitness equipment – If you are looking for an effective and thorough indoor workout, than have a look at some of our elliptical machines. There are many benefits with having ellipticals, one of them is when you use one, you will notice how impact free your workout will be. With the elliptical machine, there is no impact on the ground, so lower body joints are free from abuse you may get with other workout machines. At the moment it is the most popular item in health clubs and so going and trying one out would be a good idea, just so get a machine that suits you.

    Step machines – Mainly used for an aerobic workout, but don’t be fooled by its simplicity. There are many exercises you can benefit with as well as different settings to increase the resistance for harder workouts. Finding a high quality step machine can be expensive, however, steppers give an excellent low impact aerobic workout, also strengthening and building the lower body muscles.

    Resistance fitness equipment – a good compliment to any home gym. The two most common kinds of weight equipment are Home Gyms or multi-stations and free weights. Free Weights are real value for, however, they require expert instruction and supervision for proper use to avoid major injuries. Home gyms or multi-stations are generally safer to use but are more expensive, and the price tag often reflects the quality of the machine.
    Rowing Machines One of the most complete cardiovascular exercises around has to be rowing. A proper workout on a rowing machine will tone all of the major muscle groups such as your legs, back and arms. The beauty of using an indoor rowing machine is first of all it doesn’t involve water. This rower doesn’t get you wet, there are no early morning trips to get your machine out of the boat shed. No cold changing rooms and gale force winds for your training session. There are lots of different machines available on the market. Although they generally fall into 2 categories:

    Water rowers


    Air rowers

    The water rower, which contrary to its namesake, do not end up in you getting wet after a vigorous workout. The machines are very beautifully designed and use enclosed water and paddles for resistance as opposed to air. These rowers tend to be quieter than air rowers and are just as much works of art as they are exercise machines.

    The air rower comes in many different varieties but the concept 2 is commonly accepted to be one of the best, if not the best. They are engineering masterpieces and are all calibrated to the same standard. So, if you do a certain time on a concept 2 rower, you can rest assured that, that time will be replicated exactly on another concept 2 machine. This is the reason why the world indoor rowing championships use the concept 2.

    The bottom line is this: All of these items are good choice if they are equipment that you will actually use. Real thought, consideration and research needs to be done in order to purchase exactly what you need. Remember, you are the only one who knows what you need but with a little helpful advise you can build yourself an excellent gym and achieve the results you have always dreamed of.

    Treadmill or Elliptical Trainer

    We live in a society obsessed with losing weight and getting fit. In response there are countless products on the market that claim to get you in shape. Most are fads that come and go. For example, how many people are still working out with a Thigh Master. But, occasionally an exercise machine is designed that gets results. It promotes fitness and wellness. It helps both novice and fitness enthusiasts reach their exercise goals. It has ‘staying’ power!

    The two most popular fitness machines that fit this qualification are treadmills and elliptical trainers. The tried and true treadmill has been around for years. It remains popular due to its appeal to both novice and seasoned athletes. It is a simple machine that requires no special skills, all you need to do is walk, jog or run.

    Although relatively new in comparison to a treadmill, the elliptical trainer is growing in popularity. In shear numbers the treadmill outsells ellipticals, but by percentage the elliptical is gaining in sales. It offers the benefit of a total body workout without the impact.

    How do treadmills compare with elliptical training equipment? What benefits do each machine offer? Could either be right for you?


    Treadmills are the most popular fitness equipment. They are simple to use and provide an excellent cardiovascular workout. Treadmills allow you to walk, jog or run. In addition, they can simulate hill climbing.

    In shear numbers running and walking are the most popular form of exercise. Whether you are a casual walker or a serious runner, a treadmill can accommodate your exercise needs. By setting the speed and incline you can adjust your cardio workout to any level – from casual walking to heart pounding running.

    Most power treadmills offer a number of pre-set programs and intensity levels from which to choose. On these particular machines, you may program in your personal information (i.e. age, weight, height, fitness level, etc.). Then, you may choose a pre-set program (such as ‘killer hill,’ ‘interval training’ or ‘weight-loss’), and the unit will automatically adjust the workout to fit your specifications.

    You can bypass the pre-set programs and manually adjust the incline, speed, and the time yourself. And, even if you’ve chosen a pre-set program, you have the option of changing the incline level or speed level at any time.

    Running on a treadmill with a nicely cushioned running surface provides less impact on the knees, shins, ankles, back, and joints than does running on pavement. As a result, the runner who uses a treadmill is less likely to sustain a running injury than a runner who runs upon a harder surface. (Nonetheless, a runner’s body will still experience impact when the foot lands on the belt.)

    Outdoors, you could possibly trip over a rock or twist your ankle in an unseen hole in the ground. You don’t have to worry about unseen road or trail hazards when exercising on a treadmill. You need only maintain your rhythm on the moving belt.

    Treadmills not only efficiently burn calories, but their impact reducing surfaces decrease the chances for injuries.

    Elliptical Trainers

    Elliptical trainers are relatively new to the fitness equipment industry. They have increased in popularity during the last few years, and the rate of growth is surpassing treadmills. But, do they deliver what they promise – a low impact, total body workout?

    Elliptical trainers allow the user to burn a similar number of calories as they would from walking or jogging – but without the risk of injury to the back, knees, hips, or ankles. The difference in comparison to a treadmill is your feet never leave the foot pedals.

    As a result, an elliptical is very low-impact and significantly reduces the pressure on your joints. In fact, whereas exercising on a treadmill requires your body to absorb the impact of walking or running, exercising on an elliptical can be compared to running in midair. Running can result in 2.5x your body weight impacting a treadmill.

    Because of the low impact quality of an elliptical trainer, this machine may be the best choice for older people or individuals who are recovering from injuries. That is the obvious reason ellipticals are so popular with us baby boomers. Our joints are starting to tell us they’ve had enough.

    Elliptical machines mimic the normal elliptical motion of the foot, the extension of the leg, and the rotation of the hip during walking or running. This motion uses all the leg muscles, giving you a total lower-body workout.

    But what makes an elliptical workout so enticing is you also get a upper body workout (unlike the treadmill, which works only the lower body)! As the feet go through their elliptical motion, the hands grip the moving handlebars, exercising the arms. The movement of the dual handlebars mimics cross-country skiing. This particular type of upper body workout will not result in a bodybuilder’s physique. However, because you are including the upper 30% of your body in your workouts, the results will be more efficient exercise in less time.

    Because elliptical trainers DO work the upper and lower body simultaneously, the heart rate climbs more quickly. Thus, less time is required to achieve more results. The amount of energy expended is optimized. As the legs are being worked, the back, shoulders, chest, biceps, and triceps are also working…making it possible to burn more calories in less time. (An optimal workout need only be about 20-30 minutes long, if you apply the right amount of resistance.)

    Another advantage of elliptical trainers are the foot pedals can be worked in a forward or reverse direction. When you change the direction of the pedals, you’ll target your lower body in different ways. It is nice to be able to add versatility to your elliptical workouts, and such a change works to ensure optimal training of the leg muscles.

    The intensity level can be adjusted on elliptical equipment to fit your personal level of fitness. Resistance may be added as desired to increase the workload on your legs throughout the forward or backward stride. With such an efficient workout, you can say ‘goodbye’ to flabby thighs and derrieres!

    Studies show working out on an elliptical trainer can trick the body into believing it is working easier than it actually is. Therefore, as you’re burning more calories in less time on an elliptical trainer, your body feels as though it doesn’t have to work as hard to achieve its goals. This phenomenon is known as the “Rate of Perceived Exertion.”

    An elliptical device is safe to use (i.e. it stops when you stop). It uses very little electricity and is economical to operate. Because of its low impact, there is less wear and tear of the machine, making maintenance quite low. It has a small footprint, so it takes up less floor space than other fitness equipment. And, as with the treadmill, it allows you to exercise in a controlled environment for more comfort and convenience.

    And the Winner Is!

    Which is better, a treadmill or elliptical trainer? Both give an excellent cardio workout and when used regularly will burn unwanted calories.

    For a walking or running devotee, the treadmill is the machine of choice. Even if you prefer the great outdoors, the treadmill allows you to continue your favorite sport all year long and in the most inclement weather. A treadmill will reduce injuries since you workout on a flat surface that is cushioned. It can add variety to your workout through various challenging programs. And with heart rate control you can your exercising by allowing your heart rate to control the level of exertion.

    The appeal of an elliptical is the combined upper and lower body workout, and the low-impact. You exercise more muscle groups, while avoiding the kind of impact that can result in injuries. For those of us whose knees or ankles just can’t take it any longer, the elliptical trainer is the obvious choice.

    So which one do you choose? Depending upon your preference and needs either can be an excellent choice.

    Which All In One Exercise Equipment Should I Buy

    More and more, individuals are turning away from pricey gym memberships and investing that money into outfitting a home gym. Whether you choose to completely dedicate a spare room to exercise equipment and establishing your own gym or stash gym equipment in a spare corner of your home, your best bet is probably an all in one piece of exercise equipment. In addition to saving you money by combining several different types of workout equipment in one item, these pieces of equipment can easily fit into the smallest spaces and take up a great deal less than their individual counterparts.

    When in the market to buy all in one exercise equipment, you should first identify your goals. Why are you looking to exercise? Are you interested in losing weight, becoming healthier, or bulking up on muscle mass? How much time are you looking to devote to exercise on a daily basis? How much space is available for the equipment and how much are you planning to spend on the complete system? After you have thought about these questions and developed answers, you can better narrow down the choices provided by your search.

    There are tons of all in one exercise equipment systems on the market and are almost constantly advertised on televisions, in magazines, and on the World Wide Web. By far, the most popular all in one exercise equipment on the market are those geared towards individuals interested in lifting weights. Often, these systems include different stations that allow you to focus on different parts of your body and perform different exercises, all which include weights. Similarly, many of these systems include attachments that allow you a space to perform pull ups and an incline for you to work on sit ups, crunches, or other types of exercises.

    Two popular models of all in one system are the BowFlex and TotalGym brands. The Bowflex uses resistant bows the bend instead of traditional weights that lift. Available to fit a wide variety of budgets and needs, the BowFlex system is widely adaptable and extremely popular. Furthermore, the basic version of the BowFlex system is easily stored in tight spaces and can even be folded to fit underneath a bed. The larger, more expensive version of the BowFlex machine rivals the professional equipment found in gyms around the country, allowing you a quality workout on quality equipment.

    The TotalGym system is advertised by martial arts legend, Chuck Norris, and supermodel Christie Brinkley. Much less expensive than the BowFlex machine, the TotalGym system uses gravity and resistance instead of traditional weights. Using this system, individuals have the ability to adapt the machine for a wide variety of exercises that will work on different areas of the body.

    Body-Solid is a more traditional all in one exercise system that combines several different types of components and uses a series of weights lifted in a vertical motion. Just like BowFlex and TotalGym systems, Body-Solid is available for a variety of budgets and spaces. Instead of dishing out big bucks on a system that you may or may not use, consider purchasing a more basic model and then upgrading as your fitness levels advance. In addition to being easier on your budget, you are less likely to become overwhelmed at the intimidating, hulking piece of equipment in your workout room.

    Also, consider single items that combine the movements of several other machines. For example, an elliptical machine is perfect for individuals looking to engage in cardio activities. Elliptical machines are an all in one combination of a tread mill, stair stepper, and stationary bicycle. Individuals especially enjoy an elliptical machine due to its unique movement and the no impact movement, allowing your knees, hips, ankles, and back to thank you at the end of the exercise routine. Nordic Track makes an excellent version of this machine that can fold to fit into the tiniest of storage spaces, making it perfect for individuals short on room.

    Where To Buy A Treadmill

    Buying a treadmill? Chances are you’ll want to comparison shop to find the best deal for you. Looking at all of the options available can often save you hundreds of dollars.

    But where can you look?

    There are in general 3 places you can buy your tread mill. This article will outline what you should know about each. You’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages – to help you find the best treadmill buy.

    #1 Department Stores

    Department stores like Walmart, Sears, and Target sell a variety of name brand treadmills in their sports and fitness departments.

    What you should know: Although these stores may appear to offer several different brand names they are almost always produced by one manufacturer – Icon Health and Fitness.

    Icon is one of the largest treadmill manufacturers on the market today and produces such brands as Proform, Weslo, Epic, Image, Nordic Track, Free Spirit and Reebok.

    These treadmills have lots of neat gadgets like CD players, TV’s, iFit compatibility and more. However, they are not necessarily known for high quality cushioning, stability or durability.

    They also typically offer short warranties. For many of the cheaper treadmills, 90 days on parts and labor is all you get. If you want a longer warranty you’ll have to pay extra for it.

    Salespeople at these department stores are often not very knowledgeable about treadmills, fitness or how to choose the right treadmill based on your personal needs. So if you need to buy from a department store make sure you do your homework before you go.

    Also, at a department store, you’ll usually have to pay extra for shipping and delivery of your treadmill (around $150 – $200) so that’s also an extra cost to consider.

    #2 Specialty Sports and Fitness Stores

    These are stores like Fitness Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Sport Chalet etc.

    What you should know: These stores typically offer you higher end treadmill brands like Precor, Landice, Trimline, Star Trac, Keys and more.

    You technically get a larger selection at these stores because the treadmill brands are made by more than 1 giant treadmill manufacturing company.

    Sales people are typically more knowledgeable at these stores and can tell you more about the treadmill models, what you need, etc. However be careful as these salespeople are often on commission and may try to pressure you into buying a higher priced machine than you actually need.

    You’ll also typically have to pay for shipping and delivery of your treadmill when you buy at one of these stores (which could cost you $150-200 depending on the size of your treadmill). However if you hit these stores on a sale, you may be able to get a discount or free shipping.

    #3 Online – Direct From the Manufacturer

    Buying a treadmill online is an option that is growing in popularity with buyers. There are both online fitness stores and online treadmill manufacturers.

    What you should know: Online manufacturers sell direct to the consumer, in effect skipping the middleman of the store. Consequently customers can save up to $800 on a brand name treadmill.

    Buying online is also easy and convenient since you can research treadmill brands and prices from the comfort of your living room. You have a much larger selection of treadmill brands than either option above and can thus make a better buying decision.

    Another bonus is that online distributors typically offer free shipping which can also save you a couple hundred dollars. There are no pushy salespeople to deal with so you can take your time to decide without any pressure.

    The downside of buying a treadmill online is that you don’t get to walk on the treadmill first. Many people get around this by trying them out at stores first and then buying the treadmill online (if possible).

    Or you could do the research and invest in a high end treadmill brand with high ratings from experts and users. (Several treadmill websites will list any expert awards or user reviews for you to read.)

    So those are 3 main places to buy your treadmill. Regardless of where you buy your tread mill, remember to take your time, have fun and consider your own personal workout needs before buying.

    When Buying A Used Treadmill

    Try a used treadmill before you buy! Try it again before the buy! Think again, list all the negative points, why you should not buy this particular treadmill, and then finally decide whether to buy it or not!

    Before that, are you psychologically ready to buy a second hand product- the one used by others? This issue is very important. Hundreds of people are going to ask you this in the future, why you bought this secondhand treadmill. Every time, you need to give them a sort of mini-discourse and convince them, as to what made you go for a used treadmill purchase! If you have made the buy against the wishes of your wife, she is not going to pardon you for lifetime! Take it as a guarantee!

    There is, however a difference between a used treadmill and the refurbished treadmill. By buying a refurbished treadmill, you have actually bought a new treadmill. In the process, you have saved thousands of dollars as well. But you need to know the art of buying a used treadmill, and you need to take some basic, unfailing precautions.

    By buying a used treadmill, you have already saved the gym fees. Perhaps a few months fees would equal the cost of the treadmill you have bought. Some used treadmills are sold with a limited warranty as well.

    Before buying a used treadmill, think of some import parts first. Do not make compromise on the motor. If motor is defective, no amount of assurances is going to save you from immediate future troubles. Have a trial run, and watch whether any additional vibrations are created by the treadmill. And the console of the treadmill needs to give you the correct indications about the speed at which you run the distance and the time. Some consoles have pre-generated workouts.

    As for the body, look for the treadmill with a long deck. You need to walk or run at full stride that will give you total exercise freedom. Of what material the frame is made? If it is steel, it is better and will have long-term advantages. The minimum size of the deck should be 52.

    Look out for two important safety features in the used treadmill you intend to buy. First is the automatic stop button. The reason for this facility is obvious. Second is provision for the safety key that locks the treadmill. Let the children use it in your presence and with your permission, till such time they have mastered the procedure well.

    Again to remind you about the motor, it needs to be a quiet motor! With the grumbling motor, the whole treadmill will grumble!

    What You Need To Know When Buying A Treadmill

    Aerobic flyers, ab rollers, and other fitness fads may come and go, but the trusty treadmill has stood the test of time.Treadmills are much less likely to end up in next year’s garage sale for one simple reason–people use them.

    Exercising at home has many perks, especially among today’s time-crunched families. Studies have shown that people who have home fitness equipment are more likely to exercise consistently than those who have gym memberships or attend fitness classes. At home, the machine is right there in sight, calling your name. It’s much easier to get a quick 20- minute workout when you don’t have to find matching socks or fight through gridlock traffic.

    One of the main reasons people buy treadmills rather than other machines is because the movement required is something they already know how to do. With all the treadmills on the market, you really have to be a savvy shopper. Your first stop should be the nearest fitness specialty store. To make sure you get the best machine for your money, you should follow some tips.

    Measure the space allocated for the machine both horizontally and vertically. You don’t want to bump your head on the ceiling every other step.Bring a measuring tape with you to the store. Leave home dressed for a workout. Test the equipment at the level you expect to use it and stay on the machine for at least 10-15 minutes.

    Exercise equipment is not supposed to make you seasick. If the treadmill rocks back and forth, forget it. Sturdy construction will not only ensure durability, but also make your workouts more enjoyable. Parts of the machine should be welded together, not held together by nuts and bolts that will soon jiggle loose.

    Shoppers may also want to consider purchasing a short-term gym membership to try out equipment. Many gyms offer a one-month trial membership and some even give one- to two-week free memberships.

    Added features usually mean added dollars. Fancy programs and heart monitors may serve as motivation, but many people find these addons unnecessary. If you are pinching pennies, look for quality parts and sturdy construction, and skip the virtual racing programs and automated pacers. It is always better to go in knowing what you need, rather than letting a salesman talk you into something.

    Sit down with the retailer and review the warranty. Get everything in writing and ask questions. Does the retailer assemble the treadmill? Does it have a weight limit? Be aware that some warranties may be voided if the user is over a specified weight. Keep all the packaging just in case you need to return the machine.

    The first thing to investigate on a treadmill is the motor. Depending if you are walking or running, you can easily place 80 to 250 percent of you weight on the treadmill every time your foot hits the belt. It’s the motor’s job to take a beating and still keep a constant speed.

    Overall motor strength is measured in ‘continuous’ horsepower. But, things get tricky, Some cheaper treadmills advertise a deceptively higher ‘peak’ horsepower rating to make up for below-average continuous-duty rating.

    When inspecting the belt, comfortable length and width should be your main concern. Get a belt that is too short and, with one foul step, you could end up slamming into a wall. But too large a belt makes the treadmill work harder, adding wear and tear to the motor.

    Advanced treadmills come with a series of customized workouts that act as your personal training coach. Some offer preprogrammed workouts that automatically adjust grade and speed as you exercise to keep your heart at a steady aerobic rate. There also is space to program several of your own workouts.

    Buying a treadmill can be a costly investment. Many fitness experts will tell you that a solid, dependable treadmill costs at least $1,000. But knowing what to look for can save you hundreds of dollars.

    What you need and what you get from a Pilates mat exercise

    You’ve probably heard of Pilates mat exercises, and have probably heard that it works great, or you probably heard that it sucks because it’s so hard. Pilates mat exercises, are the bare basics of the Pilates exercise invented by Joseph Pilates in the Early 1910. First of all, your idea of Pilates must have included something with machines that have springs and bands, but Pilates can also be done without machines, just a simple mat, and this is called Pilates mat work, or simple Pilates mat.

    Pilates Mat exercises have been considered very beneficial, especially for those who want stronger abdominal muscles and a stronger core. By core I mean the abs and the lower back. Pilates, as Joseph Pilates made it to be, is a low intensity groups of exercises that supposed to strengthen your muscles. Usually, exercises are done with Pilates machines, but Pilates Mat exercises however, have more challenging exercises simply because your body doesn’t have to rely on the support of the machine to do the work, making it shoulder the work that you are making it do. These results in a variety of developments, more so, on the abs than any part of the body, and we all know that that piece of fat under the navel is really hard to get to.

    The other benefit of a Pilates mat exercise is its sheer lack of exercise equipment. Unlike other Pilates exercises, this only requires you, as the name says, a Pilates mat. And you’re ready to go, of course every Pilates exercise requires you some sort of instructor, either a real one, or a video, to tell you what to do, or if what you’re doing is correct, which brings us to the question of do I really need an instructor? And the answer is yes, every exercise needs an instructor, even something you might think as simple as a Pilates mat exercise won’t look very simple once you’re in a hospital bed. Pilates mat exercises can be very advanced body work, and doing it wrongly can as with every type of work out, give you injuries. A Pilates mat instructor has to be certified by a qualified school make sure that your instructor has real qualifications before you take Pilates mat classes.

    So when we touch the issue of a Pilates mat instructor, we ask what would be best. A DVD or a real one? Essentially, most Pilates experts recommend a real instructor, an instructor can point out what your doing wrong, can position you correctly if you don’t have the right posture, and can personalize the exercise you’re doing specifically for your body’s needs. However, there are lots of Pilates mat exercise videos out there that have been getting good reviews recently. Some people might have gone on to saying that it’s as good as the real instructor, well to each his own, but my suggestion is, if you can afford a real instructor, then get one. That’s the problem with real instructors though, the price, you’ll have to pay for classes monthly for that, but with a DVD, you’ll only have to buy it once and then you can use it for years to come. What’s also good with a Pilates mat exercise DVD is its convenience, you won’t have to travel to the gym or to class you can just spread your mat on the floor, turn on the DVD and the you’re good to go.

    What to think about when buying a treadmill

    Treadmills are some of the best artificial walking and running machines, and they can be used either in a gym or at home.

    They work by moving an electrically-powered belt around quickly in the opposite direction to your walking or running, allowing you to exercise your muscles without actually moving. The effect is like going for a long walk, only without having to brave the elements, hurt your feet or worry about where to go.

    At its most basic, a treadmill is little more than the belt, a handle and an ‘on’ switch, but treadmills can potentially have many more features than that. The best treadmills know can be programmed to time you as you run or measure how much distance you would have covered, and alert you when you have done a certain number of minutes or miles. Some models are also capable of counting the exact number of steps you have done, the number of calories you have burned, and many other things besides.

    If you’re thinking of buying a treadmill, there are two things you absolutely must do. Firstly, you must measure the space where you’re planning to put it and take the measurements with you to the shop, as treadmills that look quite small there will suddenly seem a lot bigger once you get them home, and might not even fit through your door (measure that too, by the way!).

    The second thing you need to do is to make sure to try out the treadmill in the showroom before you buy it, no matter how silly you might feel doing it – treadmills are expensive, and not every one is suitable for every person. As the shop probably won’t take it back once you’ve used it, you need to make sure that it’s right for you before it ever comes through your door.

    Walk Your Way To A Fitter Body

    Nowadays, there are a multitude of fitness equipment infomercials. Almost all promises are further than absurdity.

    The idea is that if want to look great and feel healthy you have to work at it. That normally requires a vigorous exercise routine combined with a well balanced diet. You have to burn calories. And of all the fitness equipments which give you a perfect shape, only one stand out, that is the treadmill.

    A treadmill is designed to enhance the most popular form of exercising, running and walking. They are built on the basic premise that the more effort you put in, the more you will get out. With a workout on a treadmill, you can work out in comfort without having to lift weights and it does not put any undue stress on your leg and hip joints.

    A treadmill is also ideal for getting a good cardio workout by walking, especially when there is an inclement weather. You can also use several different treadmill walking workouts to give your heart the workout it needs by adjusting the speed and the incline level of the treadmill.

    Below are several important factors that you can do to make treadmill exercising feasible.

    – Either Run or Walk

    The two most popular and easy forms of exercising are running and walking. Whether you are a casual walker or a serious runner, a treadmill can accommodate your exercise needs. You can just set the speed and incline to suite your desired cardiovascular goals. You can even do a power walk up an incline or a heart pumping run at high speed.

    – Avoid Bad Weather

    A treadmill can guarantee a consistent workout in all seasons. A cold climate and freezing and snow will not stop your workout. It’s because you can simply work on it at home.

    – Low Impact

    For walkers and runners alike, injuries are usual from the constant pounding of joints on asphalt and concrete. Good thing there are higher end treadmills that offer surfaces that absorb impact and reduce pressure. Injuries are less common and stress is reduced on those critical joints.

    – Versatility

    Since treadmills are getting sophisticated, so does the versatility of the workout. Speed and incline has always been a popular feature on motorized treadmills, but now your workout is enhanced by a variety of preprogrammed computerized exercises. You can simply simulate running up and down hills, focus on cardio exercise, focus on burning calories, or work on speed training. Since some treadmills have preset programs, you can easily manipulate your own work out.

    Choosing a Treadmill

    Whether you are a treadmill beginner or a pro, you must also be wise enough in choosing the ideal treadmill.

    Treadmills come in all shapes and sizes, including folding and stationary models. It is essential that you find the perfect model that suits your present and future exercise goals.

    You may want to talk with fitness professionals that can recommend a treadmill specific to your needs. Also, you can ask your friends who uses treadmill or simply get through articles and reviews online.

    Don’t be attracted by the blue light specials found in large retail and sporting goods stores. They may lack the components and functionality to provide an enduring and pleasurable exercise experience. If you are in it for the long run you’ll want to buy a treadmill that is build to last and designed to be practically maintenance free.

    A treadmill will work if you’ll spend more time on it. So make sure you’ll do the workout on a regular routine. Remember, the more calories you burn, the more weight you lose!

    Treadmills Shed Calories

    Treadmills are a great way to workout. They give a complete body workout and help in shedding the calories very fast. However they are high impact cardio vascular machines and doctor’s advice is needed before you can start working out on a treadmill. Thus it can put strain on the knee muscles and the joints. Hence patients who have arthritis in the knee, or foot and knee problems are advised to stay away from treadmills. Treadmills should be bought only after reading the treadmill reviews as well as treadmill ratings.

    Manual treadmills cost a lot less but don’t provide too many functions, which the higher end models do. For home use also, many people prefer the powered treadmill as it gives them a variety of workouts in their home. These disadvantages withstanding, the treadmills machines provide a great workout. Whatever be the time of the day and the season, one can easily workout and keep in shape whether at the gym or at home with a treadmill.

    Another disadvantage of the treadmill is that many people have been known to fall off the ramp. While exercising, this can cause injury. Hence many of them come with a safety latch, therefore the treadmill machines become more safe. One end of the latch is attached to the clothing of the exerciser, while the other is attached to the machine. If the person goes too far, the safety latch is detached from the machine, which brings the treadmill to the stop. When buying a treadmill, look for the treadmills, which have got good treadmill reviews as well as good treadmill ratings. You can look for these on the websites dedicated to exercise and treadmills as well as magazines. There are many options to choose from. These range from the manual to the powered and the electrical treadmills. They can start as low as $200 and can cost up to $3000.

    Treadmills For Health And Life

    It’s not always practical to go outside to jog or walk. Maybe you live in the big city or maybe it’s winter and you can’t really enjoy the outdoors. That’s where exercise treadmills come in. Treadmills allow you the freedom to simulate walking and jogging without having to actually go anywhere. Simply put, exercise treadmills have a conveyor belt which moves antagonistically to the user’s direction of horizontal movement. Okay, that may not have been simple. Essentially, the belt on treadmills moves in the opposite direction that you do.

    Exercise treadmills have been heavily endorsed by most health experts since walking is considered one of the best cardiovascular workouts possible. We all know that combining a good workout plan with a good eating plan is the best way to lose weight and stay fit. Exercise treadmills help you do that in any weather, on your terms. The speed of the treadmills can be adjusted to suit your capabilities so you won’t injure yourself.

    There are two basic types of exercise treadmills: manual treadmills and electric treadmills. In manually operated treadmills, you act as the engine. The belt only moves when you’re actually walking on it, so the faster you go the faster it goes. Electric exercise treadmills tend to be a little more polished. The speed of the belt can be adjusted by speed controls so you can set it to any speed you’re comfortable with. These treadmills also tend to have more sophisticated displays and can usually monitor your heart rate. This is especially important for people who have heart conditions but also need to keep fit.

    Of course, you have to pay for these extras and electric exercise treadmills can cost as much as ten times the amount of manual treadmills. The actual price of the treadmills depends on their level of quality and durability. Another factor is how smart the treadmills are. You read right. Today’s high end treadmills actually have the ability to change their speed to match your pace, without you having to adjust anything.

    Unfortunately, exercise treadmills are excessively boring since there’s no change in scenery. And they take up a fair amount of space in your home. Plus, you need to make sure small children can’t get on the treadmills so they don’t hurt themselves. Still, exercise treadmills are growing in popularity. There’s not a quality gym that doesn’t boast at least three treadmills these days. Treadmills really are a great way to shed those few extra pounds or just keep in shape, especially if you’ve got some music on.

    Treadmills For Great Cardio

    Treadmills machines are one of the best cardio vascular exercise machine and the most popular too. With the whole nation embracing the idea of fitness, treadmills machines are an essential part of the workout. They are easy, convenient to use, suit all budgets and can be used at home too. Therefore one doesn’t necessarily have to visit he gym to stay fit. You can also operate the treadmills machine at any time of the day. Therefore it’s an ideal way to lose the calories and stay in shape, especially for stay at home moms, busy executives, older people and even an athlete.

    There are innumerable options that are available. There are manual treadmills machines as well as motorized or which need electricity to run. Of course the manual treadmills machine is convenient and can easily be folded away and kept. However these machines don’t have many programs or resistance levels. Compared to that, motorized treadmills machines are more bulky, but these treadmills machines offer a variety of resistance levels, speeds and other functions. They are also more expensive. The options that are offered are a control panel, which shows the heart rate, the pulse rate, the speed as well as the number of the calories burnt on the treadmills machines.

    There are also various inclines and speeds as well as programs that suit all age groups and types of workouts. Usually the more expensive treadmills machines will have more features. Treadmills machines start at $500 and can cost up to $3000. It’s important that when you buy treadmills machines, you should have looked at many treadmill machines and their features as well as the cost factor. Therefore it’s important to note the minimum and the maximum speeds of the treadmills machine, the incline levels as well as the type and the number of workouts that are provided. Check for the warranty period of the machine as well as the parts of the machine. This will ensure that the treadmills machines that you purchase gives you the optimum workout.

    Treadmills Burn Calories Fast

    Treadmill machines are a great way to workout. They are high impact cardio vascular machines and help to burn calories fast. However before one buys a treadmill machine, it’s important to know about the various models and types, which are readily available in the market. This helps people to choose what is best for them. The cost of the treadmill machines can be as low as $200 and can go as high as $3000. Therefore it’s essential that one has a budget and buys according to their requirements. This also gives the power of negotiation in the hands of the customers.

    The higher end of the treadmills has various functions, various resistance levels, control panel and adjustable speeds. Since there are so many treadmills, which are available in the market, a customer can get confused. Therefore to make the confusion go away, customers should read the, the reviews make it easier for customers to make a decision about treadmill exercise machines, thus, these reviews are advantageous for everyone. The factors on which the reviews of the exercise treadmills rests are the price, the various resistance levels offered, the control panel, whether the running belt can be folded away or not and the number of years for which the warranty is offered.

    Warranty should be considered when the treadmills are been purchased especially if they are powered. Since they are going to be used regularly, there are chances that at times, some component may go bad. Therefore there should be a warranty of at least three years for the mechanical parts. Decent reviews describe which treadmill exercise machines are good and those that don’t reach up to the mark. You can look at these reviews on the websites as well as in exercise magazines.

    Online is a cheaper method and you have access to the equivalent of hundreds of magazines, however the quality will not be as good.

    Treadmills Boost

    Treadmills are very popular methods of exercise. These exercise machines have been helping people lose weight and get in shape for many years now. Buying a treadmill is not hard but if you have ever done it, you know that it can be expensive. It is an investment you will greatly benefit from but you need to choose carefully before you buy. There are many reasons why you would choose a treadmill for yourself. You can improve your fitness and your health. You can build and maintain your fitness level all in the comfort of your home. However, you also need to be sure that before you buy a treadmill and begin a training program that you do it in the correct way to remain safe and healthy.

    Before you purchase a treadmill you need to know what features to look for to be sure you are getting the best one for you and your needs. Some things to look for are:

    The Motor: A motorized treadmill has an inbuilt motor that makes the belt and lift operate. A bonus of motorized treadmills is that they let you raise and lower the incline easily. With motors you can change the pace of your workout how you need it to be.

    Horsepower: The horsepower is the measure of the treadmill motor. The continuous horsepower is how well the treadmill can work without lagging. The peak horsepower is how much power the treadmill has for short bursts.

    Incline: The incline is used to mimic the natural human style of walking or running. Manual incline lets you change it yourself by speeding up your pace. A power incline lets you adjust the incline while you are walking or running.

    Belts and Decks: A thicker belt gives you more cushion for your legs and joints. Short belts give you a faster pace and some people prefer these.

    Speed: When you think of a treadmill, you often think of the speed. Most go from 0 to 10 MPH.

    Computer Controls: Treadmills all have some type of computer control to keep them going. Many have odometers and speedometers and some even have pre-programmed workouts.

    Treadmills and the Basics of Purchasing

    For a long time treadmills have been a popular way for people to exercise in their homes. People use them to lose weight, get in shape and maintain a certain fitness level. It is very common to find someone with a treadmill in their home. If you are looking for a great piece of equipment to use when in your home, you should look into a treadmill. When you have your own treadmill at home, you can get exercise from walking or running even if you can not go outside. But if you want to get a treadmill and you want to start a treadmill routine, you need to be sure you do it safely and stay healthy. Be sure to take on a good program and to choose your treadmill carefully because it can be an expensive investment.

    Before you purchase a treadmill you need to know what features to look for to be sure you are getting the best one for you and your needs. Some things to look for are:

    Motors: Motorized treadmills have inbuilt motors that make the belt and life operate. Motor treadmills also let you raise and lower the incline easier. You can change the pace of your workout how you see it best for you.

    Horsepower: The horsepower is the measure of the treadmill’s motor. If it has a continuous horsepower it is how well it works continuously without lagging. The peak horsepower is how much power it can get for a quick burst.

    Incline: The incline is used to mimic the natural human style of walking or running. Manual incline lets you change it yourself by speeding up your pace. A power incline lets you adjust the incline while you are walking or running.

    Belts and Decks: A thicker belt gives you more cushion for your legs and joints. Short belts give you a faster pace and some people prefer these.

    Speed: When you think of a treadmill, you often think of the speed. Most go from 0 to 10 MPH.

    Computer Controls: Treadmills all have some type of computer control to keep them going. Many have odometers and speedometers and some even have pre-programmed workouts.

    Walking Your Way To Better Health

    Walking is one of the most natural, everyday movements that an individual can make. For years, this simple act has been believed to help improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and burn calories at the same time. Because not everyone has the convenience or the safety of walking outdoors, treadmills are designed to offer the same benefits without having to leave home.

    While there are different variations of each, there are basically two types of treadmills. The first is a manual treadmill, which is powered solely by the individual. This device is not programmable and, therefore, is designed to keep up with the speed of the individual rather than the other way around. An electronic treadmill, on the other hand, can be programmed for the individual to keep up with the pace of the machine. With varying speeds and positions, electric treadmills can be designed to provide a slow or brisk walk at a flat or sloped angle.

    A recent study divided individuals into two different groups, one of which participated in 30 minutes of exercising on treadmills while the other group spent 30 minutes resting. Each of the two group’s progress was monitored during the treatment which, at the conclusion, showed that both groups experienced a reduction in negative feelings, stress and tension. The group that spent 30 minutes training on the treadmills, however, also admitted to feeling an improvement in overall well-being. According to this study, walking is not only good for physical health, but proved to be beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall feelings of wellness.

    While the study adds credence to the theory that walking is a positive exercise activity overall, it also lends truth to the idea that individuals do not have to walk outside in order to get the benefits of a regular walking routine. Treadmills are designed with indoor fitness in mind, which was the equipment of choice used in the aforementioned study. The use of a treadmill is especially beneficial during harsh winter months at times when walking outdoors may be slippery, in areas that are unsafe to walk or for individuals who simply prefer to exercise at home. Walking is believed to aid in the reduction of stress, the fight against obesity, cardiovascular disease and may be the most convenient exercise in existence.

    The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. Before beginning any type of exercise regimen, including one that involves the use of treadmills, individuals should consult their physician.

    Get Fit Stay Fit

    Your exercise program could benefit from the use of
    treadmills. Using a treadmill provides a wonderful
    cardiovascular workout for your heart, your lungs, and your
    circulation. There low impact on your joints, which makes it
    easier and less painful to workout.

    Pregnant women will get an excellent workout. Its low
    impact and cardiovascular nature it builds endurance
    which will no doubt help during labor. The lower end
    models are not expensive and treadmills are easy to use.
    Using a treadmill could help you lose weight and even
    body fat.

    That they don’t take up a lot of space is a non-physical
    benefit. There are some that could take up a whole room
    almost but if space is the issue, than you can find manual
    treadmills that fold and are powered by your movement
    only. Talk to professionals and do your research to find out
    which one might be appropriate for you.

    Comparing different models is best. Do you know what
    features you’re looking for on a treadmill? You should look
    at certain things when you are comparing various models.
    All you really want to do is workout so this can all be

    The size of your machine can be affected by the type of
    the motor. The most important things to look at are the
    belt trackers. This is the type of movement of the belt and
    the placement of the running belt as you work out. You
    don’t want a belt that’s jerky you want it to move as
    smoothly as possible over the rollers.

    Have you seen the check out belts that move and then
    jump and move again etc.? There can be more impact
    than is necessary on your joints and injury can result if the
    movement on your treadmill is like that. Something else to
    look at is the length and the width of the belt.

    A belt that is too short can cause you to ¡±run-off the end
    of the belt. A narrow belt might not necessarily support
    your stance. If possible try out the machine you want or
    one that is very much like it. The type and percentage of
    the incline will affect your joints and your workout.

    As you progress, on most treadmills you can adjust the
    incline to be as if you were climbing a steep hill. How fast
    the belt moves should also be adjustable also. Do you
    know what the minimum speed and maximum speed is?
    This knowledge will help you plan your workout routine and
    make it more effective.

    Your treadmill console should a heart rate monitor as one
    of its main features. If you know your resting heart rate and
    your target heart rate which is the highest number you
    can reach for maximum benefits from your workout, your
    workout will be more beneficial. Your speed, your time and
    your distance should also be displayed on the console.

    Before you attempt to use your treadmill it is of the utmost
    importance that you learn to properly use your treadmill.
    The display on the control panel should be clear and easy
    to read. Is the software program necessary to be able to
    use the control panel?

    A noisy treadmill is something you don’t want. There will
    obviously be some noise but you don’t want it to be
    overwhelming. What is the acceptable level of noise for
    you? Is the belt thick enough? If a belt is too thin it could
    wear out too soon, so you would want an appropriately
    thick belt so it will last.

    Stretching can occur with some belts. Checking to see
    that your belt isn’t cracked anywhere or stretched, Make
    sure the monitor is functioning properly. Consider the
    weight of the machine. A few of the delivery companies
    will bring your machine to your door but it’s up to you to
    get it in the house and set it up.

    The look of the machine is important because if it doesn’t
    appeal to you, you will be less apt to use it. How easy will it
    be to store it when you aren’t using it? Before you bring it
    home, consider the probability that it will stay in the same
    place when it’s not in use, then you need to decide if this is
    ok with you.

    Don’t put your treadmill near walls to prevent injury. You
    should put it approximately eight feet away from walls,
    ledges or windows. You should put the wires and the
    power supply out of walking areas or it should be taped
    down to prevent someone from tripping while getting off
    the treadmill. There are a few tips about how to use your
    new treadmill.

    Before getting on the belt, straddle it and make sure it is
    set at the proper speed. Your feet will follow your eyes so
    keep them straight ahead. Staying in the center of the
    belt will help prevent slips and falls.

    Get Fit For The New Year

    Benefits do exist for your exercise program with the use of treadmills. Your heart, lungs, and circulation will get a wonderful cardiovascular workout from the use of a treadmill. It is easier and less painful to workout when there is low impact on your joints while you exercise.

    It is a great workout for women who are pregnant. It builds endurance which will likely help during labor because it is low impact and cardiovascular in nature. Treadmills especially the lower end models, are not expensive and they are easy to use. If you want to lose weight and body fat try using a treadmill.

    Treadmills have a non-physical benefit, they don’t take up a lot of space. Some treadmills could take up a whole room but you can find some that fold and are powered by your movement only, if space is the issue. If you want to find the one that is appropriate for you, do some research and talk to professionals.

    The best thing to do is to compare various models. What kind of features do you want on your treadmill? When comparing different models you should look at a number of things. This can all be overwhelming because all you want to do is workout.

    The motor type can affect the size of your machine. One of the most important things to look at are the belt trackers. It’s the running belt placement and the type of movement of the belt as you work out. The belt should move smoothly over the rollers as opposed to jerky movement.

    Have you seen the checkout belts in the market that move then stop and move again and stop again? If your treadmill works like that there can be more impact on your joints than necessary and injury could result. The width of the belt and its length is something else to look at.

    You could end up “running-off” the end of the belt if it is too short. Your stance will not necessarily be supported if the belt is too narrow. You can try a machine that is similar to the one you want or try the one you do want if possible. The impact on your joints as well as your workout will be affected by the type and percentage of incline.

    You can increase the slope to be as if you were climbing a steep hill on most treadmills as you make progress. You should be able to adjust the speed-how fast the belt moves also. There is a minimum and maximum speed, do you know what it is? You can make your workout more effective with this knowledge and plan it better.

    Check your treadmill console for the heart monitor which should be a key feature. Knowing your resting heart rate and the target heart rate (the highest number you can safely reach to get maximum benefits) will help make your workout more beneficial.

    Also on your console there should be displayed your speed, your time, and the distance you’ve covered. Learning how to properly use your treadmill is essential before attempting to use it. The control panel should be very easy to read.

    In order to use the control panel, do you need the software program? Something you don’t want is a noisy treadmill. You don’t want the noise to be overpowering but know there will be some noise. The noise level should be tolerable, is it?

    Is the belt’s thickness acceptable? You want a belt thick enough to last for a long time, a thin belt could wear over time. Some belts will stretch out. If you want your treadmill to last, be sure to check the belt for stretching or cracking.

    The weight of the machine is something you should consider. Some companies will deliver it to the door but it’s your job to get it into the house and set it up. If you don’t like the looks of your machine you will be less likely to use it.

    When not in use, will it be easy to store? Since it will likely occupy the same space it does when not in use, you will have to decide if this is practical for you. Treadmills should not be place near walls to prevent injury. Set it up at about 8 feet from any wall, ledge, or window.

    In order to prevent someone from falling while getting off the treadmill all of the wires and the power supply should be out of the way of walking areas or taped down. Listed below are a few tips on using your new treadmill.

    Straddle the belt before you get on it, and make sure it’s set at the proper speed. Keep your eyes straight ahead because your feet will follow your eyes. Preventing slips and falls can be done by staying in the center of the belt.


    An essential part of a healthy life plan includes an exercise routine which will not only work around your schedule, but something you can do year round and anywhere you want to be.

    Running or walking is one of the best forms of exercise compared to other exercises such as Pilates, or weightlifting because of the natural way your body moves. You can also perform this exercise anywhere you are and need very little equipment. As a result, you will be more likely to continue running/walking throughout your life. If you are serious about taking advantage of this natural form of exercise, you will need to prepare yourself for unexpected events such as rain, snow or pesky neighbors. The safest and most convenient way to run or walk is by using a treadmill.

    If you are considering buying a treadmill, there are a few things you should familiarize yourself with before actually going out (or online) and purchasing one:

    1. Price: When it comes to treadmills, the more you pay the better machine you will get. This is because you are paying for added accessories and more stability. Compare it to buying a car. The basic model will do the job. You might become bored with the lack of extras, but if you are on a budget, this will do fine for you. Remember, you can always upgrade. Then there comes the mid-range model. More accessories are added, which can make the ride smoother and a bit more lively, and the price is still pretty sensible. If you are really in the mood to splurge, the high quality treadmills will shock you with more bells and whistles than you could ever dream of. Some people, however, may become overwhelmed by all the present courses, heart monitors, incline levels, cup holders, book holders, and digital programming offered by top-of-the-line treadmills. Browse around online to see which add-ons you will enjoy and which you can live without, this will narrow down your choices and keep you from getting too carried away by the latest and greatest.

    2. Stability: Make sure you wear your workout clothes when shopping for treadmills, you will want to “test drive” certain models to see if they are stable enough for your running/walking form. You will want to be cautious of machines that shake or rattle when you are going full speed. A good stable ride will make a world of difference in your safety and will also cut down on the noise level. Also take into consideration the motor volume, if you plan to read, watch the television or listen to music, a noisy motor will quickly become a big distraction.

    3. Size: In the store and especially online, size can be deceiving. Make sure to measure the room which will be housing this machine and allow for plenty of “walk-around” space. When you are buying, check the dimensions. Size is not always an indicator of quality.

    Treadmills might seem a bit pricy, but they will pay for themselves over time with convenience and indoor safety. Plus, your exercise routine can be more consistent with a treadmill. Look online for bargains. You might be surprised by the prices and options available. With a little research, you will surely be able to find the perfect treadmill for you and your budget.

    Treadmill Review Landice

    Landice has an excellent reputation for building quality treadmills. These are not your mass merchant specials with 90 day parts and labor warranties. In fact, Landice offers a lifetime warranty on their treadmills, which says something about their durability.

    Landice has been selling treadmills for a number of years. Their focus is to build sturdy treadmills with the best components available. The result is machines that are built to last and are capable of taking a beating. Of course, that comes at a price. Their least expensive treadmill starts at $3,100, and their commercial grade models top off at $5,000. Let’s just say, you don’t want these treadmills to end up as clothes racks.

    So what do you get for your money?

    As mentioned, Landice utilizes the best components available for treadmills. For example, they equip their machines with 3.0 hp continuous duty Baldor motors. These motors are monsters in comparison to most treadmill motors. There are a number of companies that claim their treadmills have 3.0 hp motors, but if you were to compare them to the Baldor motor there would be a noticeable difference in the size. This powerful motor assures that the treadmill will run at even the highest speeds without straining.

    Landice uses a 4-ply treadbelt, the majority of competitors use 2-ply. Although costing significantly more, this 4-ply belt provides twice the strength of a 2-ply belt. It also adds additional cushioning to reduce impact.

    Another quality component that Landice installs are 2.5” rollers. These are the same rollers used in the best commercial treadmills. The larger the roller diameter the less tension required on the treadbelt, since the roller has more surface area to grab the belt. Decreased tension means decreased friction and longer life on belts, motor, bearings and the rollers themselves.

    As you can see these treadmills are built to institutional standards, in fact Landice has over 20,000 treadmills placed in health clubs around the world. And unlike every other fitness manufacturer that builds treadmills, Landice only produces treadmills. They are not also building, elliptical trainers, strength machines and stationary bicycles. Their focus is solely treadmills.

    Who should buy a Landice treadmill?

    Individuals who are going to abuse a treadmill. We’re talking serious runners, including competitors and marathon runners. These treadmills are ideal for people who push their equipment to the limit.

    Landice Receives “Best Buy” Recommendations

    In the past Landice has received a top pick from one of the most popular consumer rating magazine. Landice has also received a number of “Best Buy” ratings. Treadmill Doctor states, “An incredibly solid treadmill. Some cheaper treadmills may be better for some people but if you’re serious, this is a serious machine.”

    Men’s Fitness Magazine had these comments on the Landice L7 Executive Trainer: “If you want the best – and can afford it – the L7 is the bad boy.”

    If you want a treadmill that can withstand strenuous use, then you should consider Landice. They are built to last and may just out last you.